Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Really Simple Syndication (CPL 2.0)

Were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed? If not, where did you run into problems? If you were successful, does this make information-gathering more convenient for you?

RSS: Real Simple Syndication. What is it? On facebook, everytime you log on, there will be the newest feeds by your friends. Same with RSS, they will show the newest feed from all of your marked websties. I go to many websites everyday, including my email and the library's website, and using the RSS feed makes it much easier.

Setting up my RSS feed was not that hard, but not many websites I go to everyday were able to have feed through this. My email was not able to go through, but Google News was. I was also able to get BBC News. Mainly news was able to get through to my feeds.

In the end, RSS isn't my most favourite thing. It could be perfect for my husband who only read the news, so he could probably make one. It was fun experimenting with this tool, though.

I prefer Google Reader compared to Bloglines. Since Blogger is a Google product, it shows all of the new blogs posted by everybody I folllow. It also shows notes I have created, and my trends: what I read, starred, shared, and emailed to friends. I can add any feeds to this and I can discover or find any feeds easier by browsing. I can also explore new feeds and see new things like featured quotes.

Using RSS was fun, but I prefer Google Reader more. Google products are very productive, and I believe they will be the most popular compared to other websites offering the same product.

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