Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Online Productivity Tools (CPL 2.0)

Do you see yourself using these tools or will you stick to more traditional methods? If you were to use one of these tools regularly, which would it be and why?

Calendars. I write everything on them: work times, doctor or dentist appointments, and celebrations and festivals. I, preferably, will stick to more traditional methods. By that I mean, a calendar on my fridge which tells me everything I need to know. I am on the internet daily and also check my email, but using a calendar on the internet will be the exact same for me to have one on my fridge. I do not use the internet for a very long time, but to check my calendar everyday is not something I want to do on my schedule. It would be easy to look at a Yahoo! Calendar, because that is from my email, but I still prefer my old-fashioned pen-and-paper calendar.

If I were to use any of these tools, I would use the Yahoo! Calendar. I could put all of my events on the calendar and could check it wherever I went, work or home. I could easily access it when checking my email, as well. This tool would also send me an email a week before each event occured. This would be a lot of advantages and easily accessible for me, but I still prefer a calendar on my fridge. I pass my fridge many times and by rereading every event over and over again, I remember everything I need to. It's easy to add anything I need to without having to login onto my email, when I just need to get a pen and write it out on my calendar. Overall, I believe that using a calendar on my fridge is definitely easier than using one on my email.

1 comment:

  1. If you’d like a tool for managing your time and projects, you can use this web-application inspired by David Allen’s GTD:

    You can use it to manage and prioritize your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.
    Comes with a mobile version too, and with an Android app.
